B2B SEO Services Houston- Few Primary Myths about PageRank

Every B2B SEO services expert in Houston know that Google’s PageRank is one of the key metrics that started everything and laid the foundation for Google’s whole ranking system.

PageRank finds out the importance, authority and weight of a web-page, on the basis of the kind of backlinks which this webpage gets. It is a system related to the academic quotations. Therefore, the stronger your backlink profile is, the more suitable and authoritative backlinks you get and the higher your possibilities to rank.

B2B SEO professionals know how important good backlinks are for a web-page. The weight allocated to the web-page because of its backlink profile could make or break its rankings. And from the time when PageRank was first adopted, the B2B SEO industry commenced trying to optimize for it.

Throughout its long past being an important ranking factor, PageRank was enclosed with many myths and this post will elucidate few of the most prevailing ones.

Take a Look at the Few Primary Myths about PageRank:

1. PageRank Is Not That Important Now:

      B2B SEO services expert in Houston knows that PageRank went out of the public access in the year 2016 and was last updates in the year 2013. In the world of web, not just metrics, but the whole tool can get outdated within few weeks. So a tool from the year 1999 won’t appeal to a few b2b seo experts, but not in this case. PageRank is in a lot ways, one of the foundation stones of Google’s whole ranking system, which was originally built with a definite objective in mind- to assist users avoid trash results in their online searches. And it has been fulfilling that purpose wonderfully since years. PageRank is not exactly the similar metric and its formula has been updated radically to reproduce the changes in the online landscape. There was also news that stated that PageRank’s patent is getting expanded by Google therefore, it is quite obvious that PageRank is still very much alive and is still a key metric to measure a web-page’s weight.

2. Google Is Not Making Use of PageRank Tool As Does Not Get Publicly Updated: 

      PageRank never officially got suspended, but yes it is now publicly unavailable and Google has not updated its publicly available version since a lot of years. But always remember that Google has said upfrontly that they are still making use of PageRank after all these years. This myth branches out from the fact that Google is not showing the public PR scores now. Initially, PageRank was a conveniently accessible metric and through making use of Google Toolbar, b2b seo experts could easily click and see the one to ten values for any web-page they visit. This led to the devastating use of link spam through the malicious b2b seo agencies to obtain backlinks from authoritative blogs and websites. This has to be stopped, thus Google introduced the nofollow tag which can be used to stop PR from taking a few specific links into account and enable you to retain your authority. But even after doing that, a whole market grew out of B2B SEO services agencies in Houston optimizing just for PR, which eventually started hurting the real users, this is where Google putted its foot down.

3. You Cannot Measure the Weight of a Web-Page: 

     As PR is not public now, there is no way to measure the weight of a web-page. But there are a few alternatives such as Moz’s Page Authority, SEO PowerSuite’s InLink Rank and Ahrefs’ URL Rank to PageRank that are certainly helpful to look at. These tools are all built with the objective of replacing PageRank in mind and give its users a simple approach to identify the relative weight of a page because of the quantity and quality of its backlinks. Each of these optional metrics makes use of certain algorithms to get closer to what the real PageRank of a web-page would have been like.

4. PageRank Lost its Authority: 

      PageRank lost its authority and weight compared to numerous other metrics which Google considers to determine its rankings. As there are hundreds of metrics which Google makes use of, can B2B SEO services agencies in Houston actually say that the backlinks are as important as they once were before? Well, there is a solid connection between the InLink Rank scores and the Google SERP positions- it stands at an adequately high number-0.128482487 that means that the backlink profile of a web-page plays a major role in the position of a web-page in the search engine rankings. Therefore, backlinks totally still play a vital and big role in the ranking of web-pages. 

PageRank is still functioning strongly as a metric used by the search engine giant-Google for ranking. As it got closed to the public eye, many new metrics cropped up, but having a powerful backlink profile is still as essential as before.

Fortunately, with numerous tools easily available in the market, you can witness the position of your backlink profile, and control it to assist your web-pages and your domain evolves. This year it would be foolish for B2B SEO services agencies in Houston to ignore any metric which influences growth and it’s twice as true for a metric as essential and fundamental as the PageRank.


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